Case Studies: We love to read them, but we usually enjoy writing them a little less. So, case study videos – could they be the happy medium? Well, there’s certainly potential.

In our current digital era, we know how invaluable videos are for showcasing all things business and branding. Case study videos in this context offer a creative and concise means of illustrating real-world examples of how your business, organisation or brand have made an impact.

Now, creating an impactful case study video requires some crafting – you’ll need to ensure that it’s concise enough so that it’s the right length to hold your audience’s attention, that it has a compelling narrative, and that it resonates with your target audience to deliver the intended message.

We’ll keep this straight forward…


  • Focus on the specific case at hand. A compelling case study video has a captivating and consistent narrative. This will also help to keep things concise.
  • Highlight problems and solutions. Make the value that you provided obvious and make sure that it’s relevant to your target audience.
  • Showcase results. Clearly outline tangible results and measurable outcomes, including interesting stats to demonstrate impact.
  • Create engaging visuals. Utilise high quality footage as well as graphics and animations demonstrating the study at hand. You can use comparisons, charts and graphs to further illustrate impact.
  • Include a call-to-action. This could be redirecting your audience to your website, to contact your team, or guide them to the next step in their customer journey, and will usually appear at the end of the video.


  • Excessively promote your offering. No one wants to be constantly sold to. Avoid coming across as overly promotional, instead prioritise providing valuable insights and solutions to problems that your target audience face.
  • Oversimplify. Oversimplification can lead to the case study losing direction, depth and substance. It should effectively communicate the key points of the case in a way that resonates with your audience in an appropriate timeframe.
  • Use too much jargon. Too much technical language or industry-specific terminology risks alienating your target audience. Aim to use accessible language that resonate with your audience.
  • Neglect editing. Rushed or poor editing can affect the overall impact of your case study video. If you’re time poor, invest in professional editing to achieve your organisation’s objectives.
  • Forget about circulating your case study video. Creating an incredible video is only the first part of the challenge. Make sure that you have a strategy in place to capitalise on reach and engagement, including sharing on relevant channels for your target audience.

Crating a compelling case study video is no walk in the park, at least not right away. It requires a strategic approach and a decent amount of planning and preparation, but by following these do’s and don’ts, you’ll be steered in the right direction of creating an impactful video to showcase your expertise in your field.

If you have any questions about professionally produced case study videos, reach out to our experienced team here.