Summer is coming, it’s no secret. The weather is getting warmer, the days are getting longer, and the holiday season is just around the corner. Though you might be winding down for a busy year, it is SO important to stay on top of your content over the summer period. After all, what better time to increase engagement than when every other person is lazily scrolling after a summer afternoon siesta? 

Well, we’ve done the work for you… kind of. You know your business best, and we know content, so we’re giving you a bunch of content ideas, ten in fact, that you can apply to your summer content strategy to take the thinking out of it and you can knock off early! 

We’ve grouped these ten ideas into three categories for you: experience, educational, and personality content. Do with this information what you will, but we’d recommend aiming to hit at least one piece of content from each category each week to keep things exciting, informative, and fresh. Without further ado… 














 1. Showcase the Process 

Provide your audience with an exclusive behind-the-scenes (BTS) look at how your business operates. This could include glimpses of brainstorming sessions, product development, or even the day-to-day activities that contribute to your brand’s success. Sharing this process not only gives your audience a deeper understanding of your business, but also fosters transparency and authenticity. 














2. Give a Face to the Final Product

Humanise your brand by featuring your team, the hardworking individuals who contribute to the success of your organisation! Share photos or videos of your team in action both on stories and on your main feed. Whether it’s during a brainstorming session, a production line, or a meeting, this personal touch adds a human element to your brand and helps build trust with your audience. 

 3. Authentic Storytelling

Share your brand and organisation’s journey in a genuine and transparent manner. Discuss the challenges you’ve faced, the lessons you’ve learned, and the milestones you’ve achieved. Authentic storytelling helps your audience connect with your brand on a deeper level, letting them see human side of your business. 

 4. Background to the Process

Give an insight into the processes that lead to your final product, service, or whatever it is that your organisation offers! Break down the steps involved, from ideation to execution. To make this content even more engaging and informative, consider creating reels or videos with voiceovers, or talking directly to camera. This helps your audience appreciate the effort and expertise that goes into creating what you offer. 

5. Edutainment

Combine education with entertainment to make learning about your organisation a unique and enjoyable experience. Use humour and creativity to present information in a way that aligns with your brand’s tone of voice. This could be in the form of fun infographics, carousel posts, or engaging video content. Edutainment not only educates your audience but also leaves a positive and memorable impression and favourable brand perception. 

6. Interviews:

Conduct interviews with yourself or key members of your team to address frequently asked questions or discuss industry-related topics. This content provides a personal touch to and allows your audience to hear directly from the experts within your organisation, whilst simultaneously building credibility and trust. 

 7. Employee Spotlights

Showcase the individuals behind your organisation by featuring your team members. This could be through “Meet the Team” blog posts, individual spotlights on social media, or even short video interviews. Highlight their roles, expertise, and what they bring to the company. This not only humanises your brand, but also helps your audience connect on a personal level. 













8. Celebrations and Milestones

Share your achievements, both big and small. This could include reaching a certain number of customers, launching a new product, or even celebrating team successes. Document the celebrations with content to make your audience feel like they’re part of the journey. Celebrations not only create a sense of accomplishment but also reinforce positive brand associations – it’s truly a win-win! 

9. Lifestyle Content

Provide a glimpse into the lifestyle that your brand embodies. “Day in the Life” vlogs or “Come With Me” videos that show a typical day for your team can give your audience a sense of the culture and environment within your organization. This type of content helps humanise your brand and gives your audience a deeper understanding of what sets you apart. 

10. Values and Mission

Share content that emphasises your organisation’s core values and mission. This could include blog posts, videos, or social media updates that showcase how your business actively lives out its purpose. Highlighting your values and mission helps establish a sense of purpose and identity, allowing your audience to align themselves with your brand on a deeper level. 

By incorporating these content ideas into your summer strategy, you’ll not only engage your audience but also strengthen your brand’s identity and connection with your customers! 

If you have any questions or don’t know where to start on your strategy, reach out to our socials team here, they’re always more than happy to help!