Well, 2024 is here. Can you believe that 4 years ago was 2020, and not 2016?! Time truly flies. Alas, we‘ll stop reminiscing. 

With the turn of the new year, we‘ve been seeing (and you probably have too) lots of ‚2024 Ins and Outs‘, and let‘s face it, we‘re content people and we love a trend, so we thought we‘d give our two cents. As we head into the mid-20s, here are our content ins and outs for the year ahead to keep you on track to kick your goals. 












Consistent posting is IN for 2024. No more not sticking to your weekly posting goals. Why? Firstly, meeting your audience’s expectations. Consistent posting establishes a schedule that your audience can rely on. They know that however many times a week, they can count on you sharing valuable content. This creates trust, fosters loyalty, and builds relationships. It also signals to the algorithm that your account is active and relevant, establishes brand presence, positively impacts SEO and helps to maintain momentum. 

Engaging with your audience 

No more ghosting. Period. Respond to comments, messages, questions and feedback. Foster engagement and a sense of community by actively engaging in and encouraging discussions around your content. Speaking directly with your audience will allow you to understand what they value, and provide more of that to expand your reach even further. 

Recycling Content 

Yes, that’s right. Get that B-reel content and RECYCLE, RECYCLE, RECYCLE. There’s so much to think about and do these days, why not work smarter? Shoot a whole bunch of relevant B-reel content and use it for reels with text, voiceovers, or both! This extends the life of your content – you can use updated information, repurpose it into different formats, and reach new audiences by sharing it on multiple platforms. 











Click-baity hooks 

There is SO much content online, we all know this. There is nothing more disappointing than a misleading or exaggerated opening hook that doesn’t live up to expectations. Your audience may begin to feel deceived or as though they’ve wasted time in viewing your content. Even worse, they may feel frustrated and unsatisfied. No thanks, we don’t want that! 

Overly trending sounds 

Ok, so we all love a trend (hey, we’re writing this blog post, don’t @ us), but using trending sounds with hundreds of thousands of pieces of content is basically a one way ticket to having your content pushed down the algorithm. Now, if you LOVE a song and really want to use it, go right ahead. But if you’re looking to increase reach and engagement, maybe consider a sound with 5k-10k pieces of content so it’s not oversaturated. 

Monotonous voiceovers 

Tone of voice is EVERYTHING in capturing and keeping an audiences attention. In a saturated market, make your content stand out by speaking clearly and enthusiastically in your voiceovers. Narrate your story, use variation in tone, ask questions, give answers. No more high-school-maths-lecture tone thank you VERY much. If you need some inspiration… pretend you’re the MC at the Oscars or something (I mean, you wouldn’t be monotonous there for SURE). 

So, those are our content ins and outs for 2024. Remember that this is our approach, and it may not be for everyone, but if anything has piqued your interest and you want to know more you can get in touch with our socials team here.