Let’s face it, no one likes being swamped in a sea of jargon and complex concepts. We are exposed to between 6,000 to 10,000 ads every single day. That’s a lot of information to sift through. Consider that alongside our thoughts, conversations, workload… it’s all a bit much. In this day and age, cutting straight to the chase is worth it’s weight in gold, and in an ever-online world, it’s a skill that doesn’t go to waste. See: Explainer videos.  

 So, what are they?  

Explainer videos are like a friendly guide to a complicated concept. They break down complex ideas, simplifying them into snippets of information that piece together into the larger concept puzzle. This helps to make whatever it is that you’re offering more accessible to your target audience. View and example we have made here.

So, why are they important? 

Well, we all know that our attention spans are getting shorter and shorter. The average attention span of a human is 8.25 seconds, that’s less than a goldfish (9 seconds, if you were wondering), and 4.25 seconds less than in 2000 

 Us humans want the important information served up on a nice, simple silver platter. Oh, and we want it now. Explainer videos are like the instant noodles of information delivery. They grab an audience’s attention, keep them hooked, and help them to master a concept that once seemed impossible to grasp. 

 Ok, so you’re not explaining quantum physics to your target audience? Explainer videos are still important! Overwhelming people with information is never a good approach. Packaging up content into bite-sized, digestible pieces helps an audience to see how you can solve problems for them – no more deciphering whether your offering is right for them. It’s a technique that can give your audience the gentle push down the decision-making process and keep your brand top-of-mind. Not only that, but it can also provide a form of entertainment – how good! 

 Alright, so how do you start creating explainer videos? 

Well, that depends. Some choose to talk to camera, some opt for voiceovers, and others opt for animations. Consider which option is right for you based on your branding, tone, and target audience! 

Market research is a great way to see how content lands. This doesn’t have to be a resource-intense task – simply posting a few different styles of video and seeing which perform the best through the analytics functions available is a great way of understanding what works best for your audience. 

Regardless of which option you choose, it is important to speak the language of your audience. Put yourself in their shoes – how would you want to receive information if you were them? How would you speak? How would you listen? What content would you drift towards? Embody that!  

Communicate in a way that resonates with your audience. Break down your offering so that it is as simple as ordering a pizza. Bring on the examples, too! If you can, demonstrate your offering, throw in some real life examples, use anecdotes! Anything that you think could make your audience say ‘aha!’. 

How do I know that it’s working? 

You know how we mentioned analytics earlier? Yep, those again. Set goals and objectives that align with the available metrics. Make sure that you set a regular time to revisit your goals to ensure that you’re tracking along. If you’re not seeing the results that you want to see, it might be time to iterate. Remember – there’s no failure, only learning and refining! 

So, I should be a simplifier, not a confuser? 

Yes, exactly! In a world obsessed with complexity, be the beacon of simplicity. Cut to the chase. Use explainer videos as your secret weapon. Make whatever it is that you’re offering seem as simple as can be… oh, and thank us later. 

If you need help demystifiying your offering, reach out to our socials team. We specialise in content creation and strategy across a range of industries, so we know how to ask the right questions to get the answers you need.