From our team to yours…
We hope that you had a safe and happy holiday season with your nearest and dearest, and for those of you still on holiday – we salute you!

Now, it’s a new year and we all know what that means… resolutions. We’ve all set them, we’ve all heard other people commit to them, and we’ve all gotten to November and thought ‘oh dear’ (sometimes in less polite terms).

For 2024, we have done the hard work for you – we’ve gone ahead and set your organisation’s resolutions! Well, for content at least…

Start by getting really clear on who your target audience is. Like, crystal clear.  If you’ve never explored your target audience before, we’d recommend having a look at the analytics of your social media platforms. Use this to define a specific persona and develop your content strategy around their behaviour!

Speaking of social media platforms, make sure that you have a solid understanding of the platforms your business has decided to use, and what content performs well where. This is an excellent explainer to help you harness the most efficient and effective approach!

Now, back to your audience – you also need to understand how your target persona specifically uses the social media platforms, and what they want to see on those platforms. Consider what times they are most active and what content they engage with (think hashtags, imagery, and even specific influencers or accounts).

It’s 2024 – our attention spans are short and we want what we want and we want it now. Whether it’s a healthy approach to life or not, it’s fact. This translates to how people engage with content and information.

When researching brands and organisations, people do not want to read as much text on websites these days. Instead, they want to watch a short, concise video that encapsulates your organisation in one hit. Having a brand video on your website can do just that.

We’d recommend getting one recorded and edited professionally to ensure that you’re putting your best foot forward. Luckily for you, this happens to be something that we specialise in… (yes, a shameless self promo, don’t @ us). If you’re interested in what we can do for you, get in touch with our videography team here.

You’ve heard it before – consistency is key. Keep posting consistent content and posting it regularly. This shows your audience that you are committed to providing them value, entertainment, and education.
Ensure the content that you’re posting aligns to your brand values and organisational goals.Create structure within your months, weeks, and days that align to your content goals to ensure that your approach remains consistent throughout the year without too much thought or additional effort. Don’t forget to use analytics to assess the performance of your content and adapt your strategy as required.

If you have any questions about how to set content goals, or if you’d like to know how we can help your organisation with your content strategy, get in touch with our socials team here.

If you’d like to dive a little deeper on anything you’ve read, head to our blog.

Good luck! Start 2024 off on the right foot and absolutely SMASH your goals. You got this.

The SoCo Team x